rule of origin

rule of origin
сокр. ROO межд. эк. правило определения (страны) происхождения, правило происхождения (правило, в соответствии с которым определяется страна происхождения товара; страной происхождения считается та страна, где товар был полностью произведен; если товар проходил переработку в нескольких странах, то для определения страны происхождения применяют правило отечественной добавленной стоимости или правило изменения тарифной позиции; определение страны происхождения необходимо для принятия решения о том, какая ставка таможенной пошлины должна применяться к данной партии товаров, а также для контроля соблюдения импортных квот и т. д.)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "rule of origin" в других словарях:

  • Rule of Saint Francis —     Rule of Saint Francis     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Rule of Saint Francis     As known, St. Francis founded three orders and gave each of them a special rule. Here only the rule of the first order is to be considered, i.e., that of the Friars …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • rule — ► NOUN 1) a regulation or principle governing conduct or procedure within a particular sphere. 2) control or government: British rule. 3) a code of practice and discipline for a religious community. 4) (the rule) the normal or customary state of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Rule of the shorter term — The rule of the shorter term, also called the comparison of terms, is a provision in international copyright treaties. The provision allows that signatory countries can limit the duration of copyright they grant to foreign works under national… …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of the Romanians — History of Romania This article is part of a series Prehistory …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of the Western Ganga Dynasty — Main article: Western Ganga Dynasty The Western Ganga Dynasty ruled large parts of southern Karnataka from the fourth century CE till the late tenth century CE with their regal capital initially at Kolar and later at Talakad in Mysore district,… …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of language — The origin of language is the emergence of language in the human species. This is a highly controversial topic, empirical evidence being so limited that many regard it as unsuitable for serious scholars. In 1866, the Linguistic Society of Paris… …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of the Jat people — Nothing certain is known about the origin of Jat peoplecite book first = Karine last = Schomer coauthors = W H McLeod title = The Sants : studies in a devotional tradition of India publisher = Motilal Banarsidass/Berkeley Religious Studies Series …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of Vijayanagara Empire — The origin of Vijayanagara empire is associated with controversy. The Vijayanagara empire rose in southern India in the 14th century CE. Over the past decades historians have expressed differing opinions on whether the empire s founders, Harihara …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of the coats of arms of Germany and its federal states — The origin of the coats of arms of Germany and its federal states in the narrowest sense are laws and regulations of the second half of the 20th century. After the end of the Third Reich, Germany had lost significant parts of its territory and… …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of Rajputs — The Rajputs (from the Sanskrit tatpurusha compound rājaputra, son of a king ) are a community of the Indian subcontinent.[1] Rajputs are the descendents of warriors of the Kshatriya subdivision of Indian society who claim descent through one of… …   Wikipedia

  • Origin of Burmese Indians — Burmese Indians consist of numerous groups from different parts of India, namely Tamils, Hindi speakers, Bengali, Gujarati, Oriya, Gurkhas, Punjabis and Pathans. Tamils Myanmar has a population of around 15 lakh Tamils. In Bago province alone,… …   Wikipedia

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